Dukinfield Medical Practice

20-22 Concord Way, Dukinfield, SK16 4DB

Telephone: 0161 343 6382


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Patient Access Help Form

Patient Access Help Request

Help for using Patient Access

  • Would you like help and support with Patient Access, the NHS app, or anything digital health-related? Then we can help!
    Our wonderful Health Champions have teamed up with Tameside & Glossop’s Digital Healthcare Support Service to offer free support via your GP practice. We can help you set up your health app account, provide simple training on using your health apps and improve confidence.
    We can help you to:
    - Use our online form to request appointments
    - Order prescriptions online
    - Get access to your medical records
    - Introduce you to other health apps you might be interested in

    - And much more!

    Please get in touch with Emma at the Digital Healthcare Support Service via the form below and she will link you up with the Health Champions to access their help. Please provide a brief description of what you’re struggling with, your name, telephone number or e-mail address, and Emma will be in touch with you.

    We look forward to hearing from you!
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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